I awoke in the middle of the night this past week, again agonizing over something that happened at a recent event, which I could do nothing about. It seemed to be tormenting me, and no matter how I turned it over in my mind, I couldn't change it.
In my frustration, I talked to the Lord about it. Upon doing so, it became real to me again that I wasn't alone anymore, and told Him how very grateful I was for that.
No matter where I go, He is always there. No matter what time of day or night, what state or country I'm in, whether I'm in a closet or a desert, He is there. Because I am His and He is mine, and He promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Having a true relationship with His Son that 'neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord...comforts beyond measure.' (see Romans 8:38, 39) What a wonderful thing! A blessing that can't compare. And I am so truly grateful.
It truly is a beautiful thing. And thanks for sharing.
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